Chapter 2 – Page 4

on October 24, 2010
at 04:19
Chapter: Chapter 2
Characters: Oliver, The loving and caring nurse
Location: Superhumans Inc. headquarters
And here we go with page 4! There sure are a lot of characters! Click here for a bigger version of the page (this will allow you to see the details).
For those who might not be aware, most of these characters were conceived by members of the Superhumans Inc. group back on DeviantART. The invitation to draw a character for the comic was sent a few months ago and you were a lot to respond to it! All characters couldn’t be included, though I’ll be able to cover every character with the next page.
All submitted characters can be found here.
And as we see, Oliver is not in Kansas anymore.
LOL if i was him i would be like “OOOOOOOHHH FUUUUUUUCKKK” XD
good to see a comment section here =3 just hope theres no trolling XD
Not only is there a comment section, but you can also reply to comments!
Rest assured that I won’t be too far if trolling occurs (I’m notified by mail every time someone posts a message here).
LOL I love the face that he makes in the last panel. His eyes are so HUGE. It made me giggle.
Awesome I’ll see SuperPlok in the next one I’m sure. Happies!!!
Actually I believe I’ve put your character in that page already…
And once again, I’m late in seeing this stuff. D:
That’s a lot of superheroes in one room! The look on Oliver’s face in the last panel is priceless. I also found a typo in the page prior to this one, “an habit” should be “a habit.” :b
Great job!
I would’ve asked for SuperFrost there, but he’s totally against the idea of wearing a cape ._. (Incredibles Trauma, whacha gonna do?)
Magnifique, superbe histoire, originale quoique le thème principal fut déjà utilisé à plusieurs reprises. J’adore les personnages, bravo à ceux ayant eu l’imagination d’en créer et à toi pour les avoir transformés en ces êtres si adorable.
Je suis impatient de voir la suite, ne lâche pas, c’est de l’excellent travail.
Vive le Québec! (Désolé, c’est super chouette de voir notre province dans une bande-dessinée aussi belle que celle-là.)
P.S. Prévois-tu de mettre la version française en ligne après avoir complété entièrement la version anglophone ou tu as une autre option en vue?
Merci Spiky!
Pour la version française, j’ai déjà le premier chapitre de fait et je pense à faire celui-ci lorsqu’il sera terminé. Pour la mise en ligne, j’hésite encore car je ne veux pas avoir à m’occuper d’un autre site alors que j’ai déjà celui-ci qui demande pas mal d’entretien (je pense à le mettre sur un blogue tout simple, lorsque j’aurai un peu plus de temps… mais je suis tellement serré, haha…)
Au plaisir!
Oh hey, you’re actually using those Supermembers? I’ve honestly never have seen anyone use fan characters before, even if they said they would. It kinda makes me want to upload my character idea…
Are you going to use new applications, or has that ship already set sail?
Hey one of those superheroes looks like peach or daisy down at the bottom.