Chapter 3 – Page 10
This week, we see the aftermath of Supercrash’s battle with the giant caterpillar (which I named “Rastapillar” in my script. Should it be the monster’s official name?). Of course that page wouldn’t be complete without a good old-fashioned Supercrash vs. Superpouf bicker. 😛
Oh jeez! Hahaha!
Now that’s unlucky! (2nd last pannel)
Anyway, I really like how Superpouf tells the rest of the story, and specially how oliver looks with his temperary new necklace.
I really think the 3rd pannel is my favourite of this page! XD
LOL!!! Did not see that coming… Love all the signs and posters in the background of the last panel btw. And their facial expressions! OMG SO FUNNY!!! X3
And I think “Rastapillar” is perfect XD js…haha