Chapter 5 – Page 11 (A)

on December 2, 2016
at 06:00
I’m trying something a little different, this time. This comic has been published 6 hours earlier! I have a feeling that publishing earlier could do great for the readers, especially those who are from Europe and beyond. I’m ever wondering if I should post them at midnight (i.e. 12 hours earlier). What do you think?
Oh, and also, another appearance from Superwhatshisname! His spoken appearances are the best, don’t you think?
Translation by Lamarce a.k.a. Aya Reiko!

Yes, all Superwhatshisname appearances are awesome, and even more now that we see his powers
“Superwhatshisname used I’AM FRIIN’ MAH ICE BAEM!
It’s super effective!
Demo fainted!”