Chapter 6 – Page 10 (B)

Seems like Van Vector is playing Where’s Waldo with Supercrash in that convention.
This is the last update before the end of the Kickstarter campaign for Supercrash tome 2. So if you’ve wanted to support this campaign but haven’t done it yet, NOW is the time to do it! Like, NOW. Here’s even the direct link for making pledges. If credit cards are not your thing, you can send a pledge via Paypal. I’ll transfer it manually to the Kickstarter. We’re also at 86% of the goal, so we’re very, VERY close, but still not there. 100% of the $13,000 goal needs to be obtained, or else I will get no money, and this whole thing will have been for nothing. So, if you like Supercrash, please help us (me and the other contributors) make this campaign a success! I know we can do it!
Thank you!
As usual, translation by Lamarce a.k.a. Aya Reiko (with some touch-ups by me, so if there are errors or typos, blame it on me!)

yeah supercrash is the lady in the back with off the shoulders t-shirt. i recognize him. lol
“I am Supercrash and so is my wife!”