Chapter 6 – Page 6 (B)

I’m really starting to think Simon has issues with money or paying back things.
ANYWAY, guys, the Kickstarter campaign for Supercrash tome 2 has just been launched! You can read the project description (as a comic!) or check the video out (where you see me my big ol’ face). The link is here:
The campaign will last for a month. I’ll pretty much talk about it all the time all throughout March. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE ASK THEM! Also, please share with other people. I’ll need all the visibility I can take.
As usual, translation by Lamarce a.k.a. Aya Reiko (with some touch-ups by me, so if there are errors or typos, blame it on me!)

Aw shoot, this is going down!
Simon never was all that cool, was he
No, I suspect that he was always an arsehole. This will be bad, the only question being how bad.