Special: Superwhatshisname

on December 15, 2012
at 00:58
Supercrash is sad because he’s not even in there.
Seriously, I didn’t have time to work on a page this week. Instead of just calling it quits and post nothing I decided to give you guys and loyal readers a (quick) treat! Hope you enjoy!
I was set to post last page of 2012 today, but maybe it will be next week, depending on the progress of my other current projects. If not, it will be in January.
Thanks for reading!
Don’t stress out, take your time. But thanks alot for this Superwhatshisname special!
No I dn’ot konw wyh I’m scuh a fna of hmi. I gseus I jsut lkie hsi dsigsen? I maen he smees so inconenot adn flrednily, adn we hraldy see mcuh of hmi. Tehn aigan, teh cmioc hsa jsut settrad. I lkie teh sgin syniag “DANGER! Do not touch employee!” XD
… Still trying to learn how to speak Edwardish. ^^;
Anyway, thanks for the special!
Hahahaha tahst aeswmoe! XD I lveo spuerwtahsihsnmae hehe! And take your time…we all know you’re busy. But thanks so much for taking the Time to put this up for us despite that! And if this turns out to be the last 2012 page…then MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! :3
Oya….and HPAPY NWE YREA!!!! 😀
yay! im so glad he got some attention! 😀
=D always good to take a break